Friday, March 28, 2008

The Cuti's have gone cloth!

Well we did not fall off the face of the earth... maybe just a trip near the blogging ledge but no fall.

I had every intention of sitting down here to blog about something not baby related but as I looked over just now I saw the cute face of my baby pooping in his new cloth diaper and smiling at me and I figured... what the heck. The baby is my life now so the words flow more naturally this way...

So for those of you who don't know we started cloth diapering just after Luke turned one. I had been thinking about it for a while but just never took the time to look into it. I think I may have mentioned earlier I am the type resistant to change, even if for the good. So it was a bit of a process for me. I had to process it in my head first and research it a little. The selling point for me was when I saw a picture on another blog of a decomposing diaper (keep in mind it takes so long for one to decompose it might as well be made of concrete!) and I started thinking about everyone I know with kids in diapers and how many diapers that adds up to in just one day... well my mind nearly exploded.

Dave is always talking about the melting ice caps and global warming. It is close to his heart because he loves polar bears. We have watched a number of documentaries on the effects global warming is having on these animals and it is heart wrenching. So I started thinking about what I could do to do my part. Then I started to read about experiences other families had with cloth diapering and it sounded shamefully easy. And now that we are cloth diapering just about full time (I just bought a few more diapers... another few and we should have more than enough to completely stop the use of disposables) I can also say it is shamefully easy. I saw shamefully because if I had known then what I know now I would have done this a long time ago and saved who knows how many diapers from going into the garbage!

So I encourage everyone to give it a try! I have even considered giving one or two as baby shower gifts to encourage another family to just give it a try but I am afraid this might be a little too forward (suggestions here?).

Oh and if it encourages you.... cloth diapers are also available in a limitless variety of patterns and colors so not only will your baby/toddler/child be going green and cozy (many others praise cloth diapers because they are more comfortable and cut down on diaper rash) but they will also be stylin'!!!


Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I've been waiting for you to come back to blog land! I like the froggie covers. I can't wait to see the urban/biker print cover in use.

Cloth diapers would be a great baby gift.

Raising Baby Bee said...

Yea for you! I'd LOVE to cloth diaper, but I know I've got my hands WAY too full right now. Luke looks adoreable in his froggies!