Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Permission to Mother on the market!

If you don't already know the family doctor that we visit (Denise Punger, MD FAAFP IBCLC) has been diligently working to complete and publish a book called Permission to Mother. If you click on this link it will take you to the website where you can read a synopsis of the book and actually purchase the book because it has been officially published and put on the market! YAY!
I of course have already ordered my own copy which I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of (it shipped yesterday and is on its way!!!).

Dr. Punger has been a lifesaver for our family. She was the one doctor that was willing to help me save my breastfeeding relationship with my child just when we thought it was hopeless. She went well beyond the expected standard of care and provided so much of her own time and patience to introduce us to the options available to continue and maintain breastfeeding even with low milk supply issues (I should specifiy... options other than bottle feeding which is the only option given to us by other doctors).

Once it was determined I did have a low milk supply I was gently guided (and I say gently because she is able to understand the emotional attachments of a nursing mother) by Dr. Punger to the use of something called a SNS (supplemental nursing system). By using this device I was able to supply to Luke additional milk while still nursing at the breast avoiding the use of a bottle. Typically this is not something most ped's are familiar with (at least not the ones we have come in contact with in one way or another). We were very lucky to have found her guidance in the nick of time!

And even beyond breastfeeding we have enjoyed a wonderful doctor/patient relationship always giving us choices and time (words I never associated with a doctor until now).

We send many congratulations to Dr. Punger and highly recommend you purchase and read Permission to Mother.

1 comment:

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

Thank you Jen!

You are an amazing mom!
