Monday, August 11, 2008

Bad News

Well I was about to sit down to blog a little about our family bed situation and the concerns I've had lately about incorporating a new baby into the picture.
But I will have to blog about that another time.
Instead I will make it a quick blog with some bummer news. My folks are on the road on a month long motorcycle trip and called me today leaving me a strange message so I knew something was up. When I finally got in touch with them (they are off in Wisconsin somewhere and since they are on the bike most of the day it is hard to be in touch with them on the phone) it was nearly 10pm at night. I was pretty anxious to hear what they had to say.

I have told many of you that my sister just found out she was pregnant. This was exciting news because it meant we would be pregnant together at the holidays (one of the few times we see each other during the year). I was excited to give her whatever advice I could and help her with questions as they came along. My sister is a career woman and she and my brother-in-law enjoy their carefree life so I wasn't sure whether kids would be in their future but when she called to tell me she was going to have a baby she sounded very excited and I of course was so excited for her.

Sadly the bad news is that she miscarried the baby at the end of last week. Apparently she started bleeding on Thursday and when she went to the doctor on Friday they told her she had miscarried. Not that it makes it any better but she was still very newly pregnant. I don't think she was any further along than 8 weeks. My mom said the baby was not yet a fetus which I think happens around 12 weeks and was trying to comfort her with this. I don't think anything can really be comforting in her time of pain though. She is distraught. My mother said she can barely speak on the phone and she doesn't want to talk to anybody. I guess this is why I am just finding out about it. I spoke with her last week and she was really just starting to get her mind wrapped around the idea of becomming a Mom. She was talking to some neighbors about possible childcare for when she was ready to return to work and things like that. I can't imagine what she must be feeling.

I hope you will say a little prayer for her that she will work through this quickly and have a healthy pregnancy again as soon as she is ready.


Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sister. She is lucky to have your respect for her space to process and support.

Ann Marie said...

I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that must feel like. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

Lauren said...

This is really bad news. I am so sorry for your sister, you and your family. I know how excited you all were.