Friday, August 8, 2008

Sick Again

Well I am ready to find a lifesized bubble for Luke and I to live in. Kinda like that movie "Boy in the Bubble" with John Travolta (old school!).
I just can't believe how often we are getting sick these days! In just one month Luke had bronchitis, then I got bronchitis (both of us horribly I might add), then just two weeks ago Luke came down with the flu and was vomiting with diarrhea for something like four or five days. Thank goodness I did not get this bug as badly as him. My was just some stomach issues for a weekend and body aches. I don't think I could have handled being that sick right now. I had the flu worse than I ever had earlier in the year (which I got right after Luke) to the point my husband was ready to call an ambulance for me. Being pregnant with another flu bug right now would be bad bad bad.

I woke up yesterday morning in the wee hours and could feel the sick coming on yet again; you know the whole throat on fire body aches kind of thing. Today I woke up feeling even worse. But generally in the beginning I feel a little better as the day goes on so both days I went about our normal business running errands yesterday and attending a birthday party today. I figured it would be good for Luke since he spent all week last week sick. Well of course while we are at the birthday party I start noticing that Luke is acting like he doesn't feel well. Then I see the runny nose setting in and before I know it he is burning up. Time to head home.
I gave him some Tylenol and he has been sleeping for the past three hours. He is definitely not well. And now I am feeling worse too.

I just can't ever seem to get on top of the sick thing. It seems like as soon as he is well we are back out playing with Luke's friends and doing our normal activities and before you know it boom he is sick again. I can always link it back to some of the other kids also being sick. So what do I do, not ever let Luke play with his friends and not get the exposure he really needs at this age? Or constantly put the poor kid (and myself) through the ringer with getting sick all the time. I am cautious making sure to wash his hands and wiping down the shopping carts if I put him in one etc. etc. but one can only do so much.

I wish I knew why we are always sick. We eat healthy, take vitamins, I even take probiotics. I have always had a horrible immune system and was frequently sick as a kid in school. Is this something genetic I have passed on to my poor son? I sure hope not.

Right now I am just frustrated and unsure. I hate to have to constantly ask if kids are sick and then do what? pick up my kid and leave if someone is like an obsessed parent? I don't want to be that guy but I feel like that is what it is coming to! Being sick is just taking too much of a toll on my little buddy and on myself (and my poor hubby who has to put up with us when we're sick!). ARGH! Sick again!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Gee wiz- you don't get much of a break, do you? No mother likes to see her child sick, so I don't think it's much of a big deal for you to keep Luke away from other babies who aren't feeling well.