Tuesday, August 19, 2008

pregnant updates

Well I realized I haven't blogged much about being pregnant and as of this week I am halfway through (as long as the baby thinks so in the end at least!). The time has gone by quickly. It seems like just the other day we were jokingly buying a pregnancy test thinking there is no way I could be pregnant and finding out on the exact same date as I found out I was pregnant with Luke (Mother's Day of all ironic days). Once I realized I was pregnant (when the lines showed up on the stick loud and clear) I also realized I knew exactly the day of conception and was able to figure out that things were about to get even more ironic because my due date was looking to be about the same exact due date I was given with Luke (January 7). I figured it all because my in-laws were here (they are here more than not have you noticed?!?) and had just left on a Sunday (April 13) so Monday I decided to celebrate having our house back to ourselves with a little suggly wuggly after Luke had gone to bed. I was pretty sure I was ovulating because I found I was much more excited about snuggly time during the day or two I was ovulating than any other time of the month, but we threw chance to the wind and decided to snuggle without a cover if you know what I mean. Before going to bed I made a joke or two that we may have just made a baby but I really was more joking than thinking it could have really happened. I remember specifically the day (monday) because the next was Mommy Day which is always on Tuesday and I recall telling the girls there that we decided to stop trying not to try to get pregnant, meaning we weren't anxiously trying to get pregnant or anything and really were planning for it to happen more like in another 6 months to a year or so, but we weren't going to go out of our way to try to prevent it either. Little did I know I was already pregnant. We work fast what can I say. So this is how I was able to figure a due date with my midwife because I have never been good at tracking my periods. In fact this is why I didnt' realize I had missed a period until almost the middle of May (Mother's Day is on the 12th I think) and it wasn't even that I had missed that made me think as much as the fact that I was physically feeling "not normal" with some naseau and dizzy spells. I think I am going to start playing the lottery during the first few weeks of April every year because it seems as though the moons sure do line up in our favor during that time.

Well I think I am going to pause here. Somehow I have been able to type an entire blog entry just on pinpointing my due date etc. So I will pick up again and talk about what else has been going on in my pregnancy. Check back because it has gotten eventful lately...


Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I am so glad to finally read some about your pregnancy... oh... and down to the detail! :)
Looking foward to reading more!

Ann Marie said...

I can't believe you're already half way through. Can't wait to hear more!

Christy said...

Snuggle without cover ... made me laugh out loud, Alex didn't like it much since he was trying to fall asleep. Congrats!

Trish Chibas said...

Jen...you are too damn cute! I love your wording! Can't wait to read more.