Tuesday, August 19, 2008

pregnant update entry #2

Well I started blogging about my pregnancy (finally) earlier today and since Luke is sleeping and I am enjoying the weather outside too much to sleep (I love stormy weather!) I will continue with entry #2 on my pregnancy. Hopefully soon I can include some photos. Dave still hasn't shown me how to upload photos onto my laptop but I am going to make him show me when he gets home because I feel like my blog is so naked lately with no new photos. Plus my belly is really starting to pop and my aunt has been asking for some visual updates.

So let's see I think all I've really covered is discussion on pinpointing my due date. What next. Well once I found out I was pregnant I was eager to find a midwife. I had already decided long ago that I would prepare for a homebirth with a midwife with my next pregnancy. There aren't an abundant number of homebirth midwives locally but the decision was still very difficult because the few that are practicing locally are all amazing women! After narrowing it down to two midwives and meeting with each I followed my husband's amazing instincts and hesitantly chose one, Alanna Rubin. Had it not been for him I don't know that I could have made the decision because I felt so comfortable and relaxed with each but my husband has this sixth sense about people and he felt I would really connect with Alanna; which I have and I am very happy I decided to go with her.

Once I found a midwife and started making visits to her I started thinking alot about a birth plan. I had actually been reading a lot about homebirth and natural birth and a few other topics when I got pregnant (never too early to plan ahead) and the one thing I knew was that I didn't want a specific birth plan about each step of labor and where i wanted to be etc.etc. With my first birth things did not go the way I had envisioned and I was left very disappointed in the end so I do not want to get to caught up in details this time. But i do want to make plans enough so that I have a lot of options during my labor and birth and anything that may help me will be ready and available to me. The one thing I am certain of is I will have a birth pool of some sort set up for use. I am not going to get too attached to the idea of laboring or birthing in it but I have heard great things about how relaxing and helpful the water can be for a laboring mom and I want to be sure I have something here if I feel like I need to use it. I do have one small tub in the house but the tub is tiny and even tinier is the bathroom it is in. My hope is that I can find something that will fit in the extra space I have in my bedroom.

One of the questions Alanna asked when I first met with her was whether or not I planned on Luke being with us for the birth. At first I was hesitant about having him there because I don't want him to be scared. When I had the horrible flu earlier this year he was very frightened when I was getting sick and I don't want him to feel like that again. But after really contemplating it over the next few months I realized I really wanted him here with us. Hopefully my mother will be agreeable to being here to help take care of Luke because he is so good with her and she will be able to keep him entertained and distracted if need be for us. The other option was having my mom take him to her house but whenever I am separated from him I find I am very preoccupied thinking about him and what he's doing, if he's ok, etc. so I think in order to completely relax and focus on my labor I want him here at home with us. Not to mention it just seems much more natural to keep our house and home as normal as possible.

So what are we up to now let's re-cap...

entry#1 I covered my due date
entry #2 midwife and beginning my thoughts on a birth plan

When I get back from the grocery store I will try to blog to bring my pregnancy up to date. I had an ultrasound on Monday and I wanted to blog about that so I need to hurry and fast forward through all the other stuff ;) Stay tuned.

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